Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction

Cognitive dissonance can happen to anyone, and most cases resolve on their own. However, there are therapy options for people whose cognitive dissonance is severely affecting their relationships or the ability to live their lives. Understanding our mechanisms with which we reduce dissonance and recognizing when it occurs are key to making informed and constructive decisions. Self-awareness and mindfulness practice empower us to notice inconsistencies in our thinking and find the space between dissonance triggers and our reaction so we can choose a response we are truly happy with. This book includes examples of cognitive dissonance in today’s world.

Relations among cognitions

But you can feel caught off guard when those values and beliefs are shaken by social pressures, the presence of new information or having to make a rushed last-minute decision. Sometimes, we can even get caught up in behaving or reacting a certain way that doesn’t necessarily align with how we really feel — and then we end up feeling lost. There’s a certain kind of confidence that comes with being grounded in your beliefs.

  • The individual by default and subconsciously opts to eliminate the public health awareness message to escape the dissonance because of their attachment to the old behaviours.
  • In fact, it is a psychological mechanism that helps us perceive our world (and our place in it) consistently.
  • However, there are therapy options for people whose cognitive dissonance is severely affecting their relationships or the ability to live their lives.
  • We do not offer individual medical advice, diagnosis or treatment plans.
  • By being assertive about your values, you can minimize continued conflict from the start but also empower yourself to hold that space for your needs.

How to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance

The inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates them to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort. People attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information. Study participants Sober House who complete an uninteresting task have been found to rate the task as more enjoyable if they were first asked to tell someone else it was enjoyable—an effect attributed to cognitive dissonance. Theoretically, dissonance may contribute to a variety of changes in behavior or beliefs.

  • For example, thinking smoking causes lung cancer will cause dissonance if a person smokes.
  • Embarking on the quest for truth involves a perpetual examination of our belief system.
  • The stronger the discrepancy between thoughts, the greater the motivation to reduce it (Festinger, 1957).
  • Without recognizing the powerful shifts in thinking while craving, the smoker may conclude that the relapse reflects a lack of willpower or self-confidence.
  • Sometimes when patients engage in a new, more constructive behavior, they can perceive dissonance simply because it is contrary to the way they used to act.
  • In such times therefore health authorities must actively work to identify and counter conspiracy theories that are used as a cognitive counter to the positive message.

Averse consequences vs. inconsistency

cognitive dissonance treatment

But sometimes, we have feelings of dissonance and we don’t understand — or can’t trace — where they came from. In cases like these or for more complex changes, you’ll benefit from additional accountability and support. The truth is, most of us have experienced dissonance at one time or another. Unfortunately, though, there’s no flashing red light that tells you when you’re not in alignment with your values — it’s all internal. However, the research shows that cognitive dissonance can have positive effects.

cognitive dissonance treatment

On the tragic day of October 7, 2023, I woke up to the horrifying news of the atrocities committed by the terrorist group Hamas in Israel. Technological advances are allowing psychologists to study the biomechanics of cognitive dissonance. Instead of feeling defensive, dig into the information that your response gives you.

Cognitive Dissonance: Festinger’s Theory

As a result, the individual eliminates one of those thoughts for instance by getting him or herself to believe that they stand as good a chance of being killed by an accident as cancer. Cognition is the process of acquiring knowledge through our thoughts, experiences, and senses. After identifying cognitive distortions, the next step is often to challenge them in a process called cognitive restructuring. For resources related to cognitive restructuring, see our Decatastrophizing and Thoughts on Trial worksheets. Cognitive distortions are irrational thoughts that influence how you see the world, how you feel, and how you act.

  • Little do they know, overdose, coma, seizures, and death occur before finally deciding to get help.
  • Learning what cognitive dissonance is, why it’s so powerful, and how to manage it can put you back in the driver’s seat.
  • When they are just left to simmer, we are left feeling false, helpless, and insecure.
  • When we develop integrity, we are simply lining up our actions with our beliefs and consistently acting on them.
  • You can also lessen the chances of dissonance beginning in the first place if you practice being mindful, Noulas says.
  • Cognitive dissonance was measured indirectly by asking participants about changes in their opinion about how enjoyable the task was following the experiment.
  • It completely changes a person’s moral compass, which is why the choice they make to engage in these addictive behaviors is stronger than just willpower.
  • In turn, we must come up with counter arguments and package messages in a way that they become the dominant beliefs that eliminate the undesirable one.
  • This is probably because dissonance would be caused if we spent a great effort to achieve something and then evaluated it negatively.
  • When someone is forced to do (publicly) something they (privately) really don’t want to do, dissonance is created between their cognition (I didn’t want to do this) and their behavior (I did it).
  • One such way is to pursue a method that engages with the people rather than shovelling reams of information to the public.

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